
Saturday, October 28, 2017

WELCOME BACK ... Fresh foods, fresh foods and more fresh foods.

Welcome back, its been a while, a long while indeed, however, Sculpted Basket is back and will strive to serve you better information and news from the University campus, from around town and from the whole world.

It has been a while, a long while indeed. But I'm happy SBP is back online and going to be running blogging. October is here and the year is almost coming to an end, you can be sure of loads and loads of news from the University Campus, from around Nsukka town, Ukehe, Enugu and the world over and it is out 10th year anniversary at SBP and activities are loading.

Today however I just want to welcome you all wonderful followers (supporters, enthusiasts, readers) back and maybe share some of my most recent salad exploits. I hope you find them interesting. You can always ask for the recipe.

Amidst the many challenges facing the world, news of wars and drums of war, floods, Harvey, Irma etc, the unreported floods in our Nigerian cities,  land and mud slides in Africa, we all daily face a uniform challenge of feeding appropriately. One agreed good food seems to be the one made up of fresh uncooked food which is  available as salads, acclaimed to bring and restore health as God commanded in Genesis 2.
I sever you a variety of my salads to inspire your own cooking and you can ask for recipes.
Sweet Corn, carrot and Egg salad

Banana and groundnut fruit salads as starters

Igbagwu (local pudding) with lettuce and carrot salad

Enjoy, Bon Apetit

Their Vision: Our Vision

We had loads of activities to make the year remarkable, we equally saw lots of challenges that will keep the year in our minds.  SBP's C...