
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hope Rising: New Vice Chancellor Prof. B.C. Ozumba Inaugurated

Amidst the clamour for change, unusual if we should go by the notion that people are known to resist change, the newly elected Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria Prof. B.C. Ozumba, seasoned gynecologist is inaugurated in a solemn celebration reminiscent of an academic environment.
VC Prof B. C. Ozumba (2nd right) his wife and some principals officers of the UNN
The amiable University Orator, Dr. Edith Nwosu compering the event

Pupils from the University staff School also came to cheer our new VC, (they came with banners
bearing the inscription "Daddy we love you")
Mrs Odum, Mrs Echezona and friends at the reception which came after the inauguration
The Chief Medical Director (UNN Medical Center) Dr. Onwura (iPad in hand) arriving the event.
We pray for the best administrative tenure!

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